michigan avenue median summer display


PSLA was awarded a multi-year contract with the Chicago Department of Transportation. This opportunity to create the seasonal planting character and appearance in the median planters on Michigan Avenue from Roosevelt Road to Oak Street was a dream project for the team. Taking a new approach from previous planter designs, PSLA instead used a different local artist each year to inspire the plantings.

Creating a summer landscape display along the iconic Chicago boulevard is a year-long process. Starting with the concept design through construction documents, plant material review, installation layout and consistent conditions reviews, PSLA is involved in each step.

The design team's goal is to introduce a fresh interpretation of this prominent Chicago landscape. It evolves throughout the summer into a more sustainable planting display that remains as visually pleasing and noteworthy to the viewing public as it is initially. With each succeeding year's plan, the design team systematically rejuvenates the Michigan Avenue median plantings in an evolutionary shift toward a distinctly more contemporary design.